The Favourite Bouquet
Mixed Bouquet
Crispy Clementine
Pink Rose and Lily Hand-tied
Dreamy White
Red Rose and Lily Hand-tied
Rainbow Bouquet
Forest Fruits
Cool Breeze
Moody Blue
Adele Deluxe Hand-tied
Marigold Flower Arrangement
Moody Blue
Easter Box Tray
Funky Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Sunrise Glow Bouquet
Purple Breeze
Fun Deluxe Bouquet
The Sunshine Hand-tied Bouquet
Forest Fruits
Meadow Fresh
Cool Breeze
Crispy Clementine and Balloon
Dreamy White with Balloon
Orange Glow Bouquet and Balloon
Rainbow Bouquet
Emerald Kisses and Chocolates
The Favourite Hand-tied and Chocolates
Forest Fruits
Emerald Kisses
The Sunshine Hand-tied Bouquet
The Favourite Bouquet
Mixed Bouquet
Red Rose and Lily Hand-tied

Ireland's Leading Florist Brand


Go-Dutch is headquartered in Salthill, Galway. Go-Dutch now has outlets in Galway, Cork, Dublin, Belfast and Manchester. Founded originally in Galway by award-winning Dutch Master Florist, Henk Van Enk. Henk has over 40 years experience in the floral world. Originally from the Netherlands Henk trained as a professional florist and qualified as a Master Florist. He then worked for a time in Paris before travelling extensively as a florist, finally settling in his favourite city, Galway.

Go-Dutch takes your privacy very seriously. Our online shop uses state of the art securities to protect your information. Thank you for considering Go-Dutch as your florist.



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